
Theosophy Publications Articles by Helena P. Blavatsky 26 Different Titles

$ 5.28

  • Author: H. P. Blavatsky
  • Book Title: Varies
  • Format: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • Topic: Theosophy


This lot consists of 26 different publications by The Theosophy Company, each comprised of various articles published in the 1880's-1890's by Helena P. Blavatsky, a Russian who was a founder of Theosophy. These reprints are typically 32-56 pages in length and include 4-7 articles on the topic.. Undated but likely from the 1970's-1980's. Sold individually by title. I will consider offers for the entire set of remaining articles at any time. Priced at 15.00 per title, with a 20% discount if you purchase 3 or more. Flat shipping rate of $5.99 per order regardless of quantity. Theosophy was founded in the Victorian era as a belief system that studies aspects of science and reason, mysticism, Eastern religious teachings, ancient religions, the occult, and a belief in an "Absolute" with the goal to enhance the rationality and spirituality of mankind. In the US , adherents study the writings of the early founders of Theosophy, primarily Helena Blavatasky and William Q. Judge. The United Lodge of Theosophy has been the predominant sect of Theosophy in the US . They own the Theosophy Company which publishes pamphlets, article reprints, and other study materials for sale. I recently acquired a wide-ranging collection of vintage (1930's-1980's) Theosophical literature. Please check my listings for this material.